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Huma bosta dawk id- dilettanti tal- Gimgha Mqaddsa li jesebixxu l- wirjiet taghhom, li jippreferu jew jaghzlu, li waqt il- wirja jinkludu soundtracks mill- films flok marci funebri jew kant Gregorjan. F' din is- sezzjoni, ghazilna numru ta' soundtracks li intom id- dilettanti taghzlu li ddoqqu waqt il- wirjiet taghkom. M' hemm l- ebda dubju li muzika mill- films bhal "Ben-Hur ", "The Ten Commandments ", "The Robe " u bosta ohrajn jinzlu mill- qalb. Dawn it- tlett films li semmejna m' humiex films li jibbazaw biss fuq il- hajja ta' Kristu imma xorta huma films Bibblici li joffru musika tajba.  Hawnhekk, ahna qed noffrulkom l- albums shah biex tkunu tistu tisimghawhom u taffaxxinaw ruhkom bil- gmiel ta' muzika li tawna bosta kompozituri kbar. Jekk hemm xi soundtracks ohra Bibblici/Epiki li ahna ma nkludejniex u tixtiequ li jkunu f' din il- pagna, tistu tibghatulna fuq l- email taghna halli ahna nkunu nistu ninkluduhom hawnhekk. L- email huwa:



1. Overture

2. Main Title (Appain Way)

3. Calvary, Marcus' Chariot

4. Lygia, hymn To Apollo

5. Marcus and Lygia / Preghiera

6. Dance of the Vestal Virgins

7. Fanfares for Nero / Hail Nero (Triumphal March)

8. Eunice / The Hostage

9. The Women's Quarters of Nero / Roman Bacchanale

10. Third Fanfare for Nero / Assyrian Dance

11. The Burning of Troy

12. Fanfare for the Wrestlers / Siciliana Antiqua / Dance of the Muses

13. Escape / Petronius and Eunice / Chilo

14. Jesus Lord / The Last Supper / Resurrection Hymn (Orchestra and Choir)

15. Vae Victis / Caritas

16. Mea Culpa / Non Omnia Vincit Amor / Temptation

17. Eunice's Song at Antium / Petronius' Presentiment

18. Marcus and Poppea

19. Chariot Race

20. Prelude to Second Part / The Road to Rome / The Burning of Rome

21. The Burning of Rome (Nero's Fire Song)

22. Tu Es Petrus

23. Petronius' Meditation / Petronius' Decision

24. The Prison / The Vision of Peter

25. Petronius' Banquet Music / Petronius' Death (parts 1 & 2)

26. Ave Caesar / Fourth Fanfare for Nero

27. First Arena Fanfare / Where O Death? / Second Arena Fanfare / Resurrection 

28. Third Arena Fanfare / Aftermath / Hymen / Ecce Homo Petrus

29. Fanfare for Burning / Incarnate Godhead / Fifth Fanfare for Nero / Fanfare for            Ursus & Lygia / Upon These Lilies

30. Fanfare for the Bull / Finis Poppaea / Nero's Suicide

31. Hail Galba

32. Finale and Chorus

33. Epilogue

34. BONUS TRACK: Main Title (film version)

35. QUO VADIS CONCERT SUITE: Ave Caesar (Triumphal March)

36. Romanza

37. Arabesque

38. Quo Vadis Domine?


1. Overture

2. The Creation

3. Creation Of Adam

4. Creation Of Eve

5. Forbidden Fruit

6. Banishment From The Garden

7. Cain And Abel

8. Cain Kills Abel

9. Noah's Ark

10. Feeding The Animals

11. 40 Days And 40 Nights

12. Noah Watching Through The Hatch

13. New Beginning, The Raven

14. New Beginning, The Dove

15. New Beginning, Leaving The Ark

16. Intermezzo

17. Abraham, Part 1

18. Abraham, Part 2

19. Tower Of Babel, Part 1

20. Tower Of Babel, Part 2

21. Abraham, Scene Of Love

22. Sarah And Hagar

23. The Lord's Apparition, Three Men By The Terebinth

24. Sodom

25. Dance At Sodom

26. The Evil Ram

27. Dance For Isaac 

28. Jealousy Of Sarah

29. Hagar' s Sadness          

30. Hagar In The Desert

31. Hagar And The Angel

32. God Speaks To Abraham

33. Abraham' s Sacrifice

34. God Halt's Abraham And Finale

35. Alternate Finale With Chorus

36. End Titles


1. Fanfares and Flourishes

2. Overture

3. The Fall Of Love